This tea from my friend Latisha (the Herbmother) reminds me of sunshine! Visit her at www.herbmother.com
How is it possible that it’s Monday again and we’re almost finished with September? I have only started sensing that wonder I experience every year when temperatures start to cool here after a seemingly interminable summer. Saturday, a glimpse at the calendar revealed that it would have been my dad’s 83rd birthday were he still here. That means it’s nearly October. It should be cool!
The fall/winter holidays will soon be here and those are some busy days for most people. I can already feel the pull to do, do, do with no break and that does not bode well for my health or my peace of mind. It’s not good for my family either.
So, consider this post an encouragement – especially if you’re caring for others – to care first for yourself. If you’re not healthy, how can you nurse your family?
Today, get some sunshine, drink something nourishing and delicious (like my tea) and take at least 5 minutes to sit, breathe deeply and just relax.
As my daddy used to say (doubtless, quoting some inspirational speaker, “Today is the first day of the rest of your life.”
You see, this is not a rehearsal for life. This IS life – the good, the bad and the beautiful. You need rest in your life if you’re going to enjoy the REST of your life. Get it?
Now, when you’re done sipping that tea – Get out there and live it!
Your daddy sounds a lot like mine. He definitely was the guy who saw the glass was half full and never half empty. He would be turning 83 also. Miss him every day!
Mmmmmm, that tea looks refreshing.
Monna, I was thinking about your Papa on what would have been his 83rd birthdy. Sure miss them both. Your Mama and I had a lot of conversations and some good memories. Would you facebook me and give me your address so that I can write you, not very good on this computer. Tell all ther girls hello from us! LOL