Life doesn’t go
According to plan
Along with the sweetest dreams
The worst nightmares
Nasty divorces
Sick children
Homes foreclosed
Loved ones dead
Jobs gone
Trust violated
Bodies crippled
The changes come
As rapidly as
The monsoon
In July
The wind whipping
The breath
From your lungs
The scream
From your throat
The thunder shaking
The foundation
Of everything
That seemed sacred
And safe
You lose
Your footing
Like an
Uprooted tree
The rain
Pours down in sheets
All over your head
None of you
Is untouched
By its power
A surprising moment
Of chill touches you
As the icy grip
Wraps around Your heart
Like a vice
What will happen
You wonder
If anything
Will ever be the same
Once the storm stops
All is blown
And soaked
And ruined
But such is LIFE
Your OWN
Though it is
Like you imagined
It can be
Even more
Than you dreamed
If you look
For the beauty
and the healing
The storm
In the spaces
The wildness
If you stop
To catch
That breath
You thought
Had escaped you
And notice
The gifts
That the storm
And the life
That continued
In spite of it
The full moon
Framed by majestic
The scent
of rain
and creosote
The space left
For something new
to grow
where the uprooting
Look around
If you purpose
To find the beauty
and the healing
The storm brings
In the spaces
Between the wildness
You will find your heart
And your thoughts
filled with gratitude
A prayer of thanks
Because Life
Is nothing
Like you imagined
So much better
Than you dreamed
Oh my goodness Monna, that is THE most beautiful thing i have ever read! Great job
Love you, Girlfriend!
Thanks Jules! Miss you, friend.