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Facing Fear and Finding Joy

By | Miscarriage, Pregnancy, Spirit | 16 Comments

Life has a way of making us face our fears whether we want to or not. For those who don’t know, I had a life threatening miscarriage in February 2011. The surgeon who performed my emergency D&C said there is nothing wrong with me and encouraged me before I left the hospital to get pregnant as soon as I’d had a few normal cycles.

I was just so happy to be on my own two feet, I banished the discussion from my mind until later. Banished it because being cleared physically for pregnancy after miscarriage and being emotionally ready to become pregnant are two very different things.

After returning from the hospital, I took my time recovering, enjoying my children and doing some things for me that I wouldn’t have done were I still pregnant. I didn’t want to dwell on the possibility of pregnancy too much yet – until several weeks ago. That’s when I realized that after five months of studiously avoiding pregnancy, my husband and I had enjoyed a grand ole’ reunion with each other (he’d been gone for almost three weeks) for nearly a week – SMACK DAB in the middle of that week of the month.

You know what I’m sayin’.

Suddenly I had to face the strong likelihood that I was pregnant and I discovered, upon retrospection, I was terrified at the prospect. Flashbacks of blood soaked towels between my legs and the feeling of the bathroom floor as I lost consciousness haunted me. I did NOT want to go through that again!!!

I spent almost a week in that breathless, scared place before I could even test for pregnancy. Thankfully, my sister, a good friend and my strong husband were sounding boards for me as I carefully explained my feelings, hoping I didn’t sound too selfish. They encouraged me to face my fear and choose hope.

After letting myself freak out for those few days, I pulled myself together and decided to remember the lesson I learned in February when I realized I might not have come home at all.

Life is short. Live it!

There are no guarantees that life will go a certain way or that the end won’t come earlier than we planned. So, we should consider every breath we take a gift and be unafraid to take chances. I want to be the kind of person who faces down my fears and takes a leap of faith toward my dreams of having a larger family and being a courageous woman.

So, I took a leap. I lifted that little stick . I turned it over – and saw –


Yep. It’s good news. While it might be better to wait to share because we’re not past the first trimester yet, I wanted to encourage those of you who have been where I have been this year. In a few weeks, I’ll be as far along as I was when I had my miscarriage and that carries with it an understandable stress. There is no guarantee that this baby will be ok but I am choosing to face my fear and find joy in this moment and this baby. Even though I’m feeling pretty nauseous.

It’s a good sign, right?

Please this if you know of someone who it might encourage.

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Times We Need Friendship the Most

By | Spirit | 5 Comments

My view of friendship has changed drastically over the years. In my twenties, I had several close friends I talked with daily or several times daily and many casual friends I saw regularly through church or work. In my youthful arrogance I wasn’t always very careful with those friendships, assuming my friends would be around when I got around to them. (Cringe.) I was busy – like everyone else around me. But for me, busy translated into unreturned phone calls and carelessly cancelled (or forgotten) appointments. (More cringing).

One of those carelessly treated friendships was one I made with the wife of a business colleague. She was about ten years older and I looked up to her – so much. She was a smart, accomplished woman. A chef and an entrepreneur, she chose to stay home with their two small preschoolers and produce extra income by day trading. We became friends when she opened her home and her world to me, introducing me to so much of what I am passionate about now – organic, sustainable living, frugality and hospitality.

I’m sorry to say that I repaid her hospitality badly. Part of it was ignorance on my part. I had no idea what motherhood at home was like. I had no idea what it meant for her to give up her business and move with her husband to a new state where she knew no one. I had no idea what postpartum hormones were like. I had no idea that someone I admired and looked up to so much might actually need me for a friend. Looking back, it’s one of the true regrets of my youth. She moved out of town and out of my life before I realized how my carelessness had hurt her.

The value of friendship has become increasingly clear to me because I’m now in her shoes. I, too, have felt the sting being treated carelessly or dropped entirely by a friend because they are just too busy for me.

After spending a full day home with little children, beloved as they are, I ache for the company of people who can discuss adult topics, speak without whining and wipe their own bums. If you’re home with your own, you know what I’m talking about! My schedule is not as flexible and when babysitters have to be found, it’s not as easy to schedule time out with friends. A cancellation can be a big disappointment.

Yet, life sometimes gets in the way of our being good friends to each other.

Or do we just let it?

The older I get, the more I think that the most challenging times in life – crazy schedules, to-do lists, major life issues like divorce, custody battles, birthing babies or watching loved ones die – are the times we need our friends the most. This isn’t a judgment. I have been through those times that make returning that phone call, email or text seem like an exhausting exercise. Connecting to other people – friends, neighbors, random strangers who stop at our table in a coffee shop –  offer a break from the challenge, move us outside ourselves and remind us that life can and will go on in a positive way.

I have a new approach to handling friendships in busy times in tough times. And, you can hold me to it.

My new goal is to return the phone call, schedule the date and shoot a quick text back to a friend who’s contacted me. I’m also willing to take friendship as it comes – whether it is the daily call, an chance coffee shop meeting or twice-annual date. Life is too short to miss out on regular, genuine connections with those around me.  In short, I’ve grown up a little and I want my friends to know that I genuinely love them and value their place in my life. I need the love, wisdom, compassion, objectivity and laughter they have to offer me. And, I think they might need it from me too.

Have you texted your friends today?

Be Connected. Be Engaged. Be Available.


Five Sisters

By | Spirit | No Comments


Five sisters

minus one

sitting together

glasses of wine between them

looking through photos of moments and people

that seem an age past

yet just yesterday

“Who is this?”

“I remember…”

“Look at your hair!”



moments of quiet memory

memories of lives well lived

lives now past.

Five sisters

minus one

sit and reflect on life now,

determined to live it well


"Someday" is a Dangerous Word

By | Spirit | 2 Comments

Someday is a word with a rather fanciful quality about it, isn’t it? It is often imbued with unfulfilled longings, wistful nostalgia about who we used to be or dreams of what we might become – eventually.

Lately I’ve been thinking “someday” isn’t as much fanciful as it is dangerous because we often use it to describe a day that never comes. For example…

“Someday”, I’ll lose weight and fit into those size 6 jeans again.

We’ll get married “someday”, when we can afford a wedding.

“Someday”, I’ll learn to say no to extra activities that eat up my spare moments and do what I’m really dreaming of.

“Someday” when things slow down, we’ll go get that coffee and catch up!

“Someday”, when we make more money, we’ll stop using credit and pay with cash.

I’ll open that coffee shop “someday” when I’m feeling more brave.

“Someday”, when I’m finally back to my “real” size, I’ll go shopping for that new wardrobe. In the meantime, these old clothes will do. It’ll motivate me.

“Someday”, we’ll go on that vacation. I just can’t take time off work right now. 

The problem with “Someday” is that someday never comes.

And all those dreams and hopes about what you want your life to be are just wistful thinking until you –

Set a goal
Make a plan


Execute it. 

What “someday” have you been putting off? Stop using the word “someday” and do it!